Benchmark Media Systems
Benchmark by name benchmark performance by nature.
John Siau is chief designer at Benchmark, it is worth checking out his series of 'application notes' available from the Benchmark site, digital audio de-mystified. John designs superb no nonsense components.
The AHB2 is one of the finest measuring amplifiers you can buy at any price.
World leading dacs, pre-amplifiers and power amplifier.
Benchmark Dac3, HPA4 headphone/pre-amplifier AHB2 power amplifier.

Benchmark just make superbly designed and engineered electronic components
Benchmark's components are always amongst the finest measuring their AHB2 amplifier is literally the finest measuring amplifier available.
Benchmark Dac3 from £1999, AHB2 amplifier £3499, HPA4 preamplifier/headphone amplifier £3499 all including vat and delivery.
Just transparent:-
Benchmark equipment is widely used professionally, it is completely transparent reproduction, allowing you to hear your music exactly as the artist intended.

Superb measurements, super sound quality
Eversolo, RME and Benchmark are absolutely state of the art, in terms of sound quality they will be indistinguishable from any dac at any price, I realise that is hard to believe, but it is true, look at the measurements!
State of the art yet relatively inexpensive.
To borrow any Benchmark component and compare it in your own system give us a call.
Purité Audio, London.